Sunday 6 September 2015

Week 14 before launch - Fitting the for- and aft-outerstems & fairing the hull


Fitting the for- and aft-outerstems & fairing the hull

Forestem fitted and all landings filleted

On Monday I was back at work and started to get on both outerstems as well as  to change some small things in the shape of the deadwood, where the sternpost has to be fitted. The aftstem I glued on with epoxy. In addition I drilled every 150 mm holes with a forstner drillbit and also holes to screw the stem to the innerstem. Therefore I used bronzescrews which have the best durability in saltwater. The same process happened with the forestem.

The holes later were closed with sapeleplugs, which Ant made with a special plugcutter.

In this week I also faired  the hull with fairing compound. This is Epoxy mixed with "microballoons" which makes sanding easier. I filled the uneven spots of the hull (not really a lot, cause the plywood is something like 'selffairing'). Only at some scarfes was more compound and sanding necessary.