Sunday, 16 August 2015

Week 17 before launch - Preparations for the sheeting

10.08.- 16.08.15

Preparations for the sheathing

At the end of this week the sheathing of the hull was scheduled. We didn't get that far, because preparing the hull and testing out how to do it best took some time.

To find out how the sheathing could be done best I produced some samples, trying different fabrics and kinds to do it.

Although I was told, that it is too tricky to get glass around the edges of the planks I wanted to sheath the garboard and the next 2 planks to get some abrasive protection. I knew that it could be done and so I produced some testplanks to find out, which fabric works best.

My different tests. On the left my best result with 200g woven cloth

The decision fell on 200g woven cloth in combination with fillets and rounded edges.  The testresult looked good but sheating a larger area is a different issue. You have to work very carefully when wetting the glass to avoid air bubbles in the cured sheathing.

Apart from the testing of methods I had to prepare the hull for the glassing.

The hull needed to be sanded, the edges of the planks had to be rounded and the landings had to be filleted. 

sanded & filleted planklandings