Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Leaving Lyme Regis


21.12. - 22.12

Leaving Lyme Regis

Preparing our lady for the transport back home to Austria took a little while. Finally she was waiting on the trailer like a parcel of Christo.  The trailer we picked up in Lelystad last week.
Steven was the last member of our course, who was still here. Like Steven was always helpful if necessary, he gave us a hand at this final job in the BBA`s workshop.

Anna, our landlady escorted us and shot this last picture of our departure.
With a lot of different impressions in our mind and heart we left Lyme Regis in the afternoon the 21st heading toward Portsmouth where we took the Ferry to Le Havre over night.

It was a journey gladly without any problems  and after we´ve started from Le Havre at the 22nd at 8 am in the morning, we arrived in Vorarlberg at the Lake of Constance at 1 am the 23rd.

We left the boat there at Eva's family and finally got back home to Vienna in the afternoon.



Saturday, 5 December 2015

Week 01 - the last two days & "launching"-day

30.11 - 2.12.15

Preparing the boat for Launching day

Although I decided not to launch the boat, I wanted to present her in that kind she once will appear. So I fitted pintles and gudgeons for the rudderblade.....

.... test included,

fitted the portholes with Joe`s help

finished the teakframes around the cabin roof ,

put the cabin roof on (just with some screws, to get it off again later)

In the end I was really a bit sad, that we couldn`t finish far enough to launch our baby, but the decision was the right one. She´s a big project and I always knew that she can´t be finished completely in such a short time.

We will do that in Austria step by step.

The BBA Certificate

In a short ceremony we finally got our Boat Building Certificates.

Certificate of City and Guilds Level 3

Our course members
Pete Tysall, Neil Hammond, Mark Dumble, Joe Blathwayt (Instructor), Andy Sulzer (sitting), Steven Adler (in front), Ross Wheeler-Clayton, Mark Turner, Ant Mace, Mike Broome (Instructor)