Tuesday, 3 March 2015


1 1/2 year ago I decided to take a gap year to get new inspirations, to make a change in my life, to learn new things and to polish up my English which I have used very seldom since I have left school.

The idea was to work with wood and to live at the sea for some time. After visiting lots of websites I found one which offered a boatbuilding course at the seaside. . After reading a blog of one of the graduates, I made my decision: That is exactly the sort of education I would like to do

For me, one very fascinating fact was, to be able to build my own boat. I began to google many websites for boatplans and boatdesigns. As I knew that the maximum length should not exceed 15 ft and the academy rarely allows anyone to build longer boats I directed my research to Pocket Cruiser Designs, just slightly above this length in the hope to get the building permission.

I ordered lots of study plans, visited Dominik Gschwind whose blog "Boatbuilders diary for 'Glóey' " inspired me, bought a number of books and read about different boat designers.

Finally I ended up with a design of Iain Oughtred, a very well-known boatdesigner from Scotland. It promised to be seaworthy and, although it´s only 21.7 ft, a very comfortable little cruiser.